uPVC Windows Faversham | uPVC Window Prices

uPVC Windows Faversham

Providing Quality for Your Faversham Home

At OmegaWindows, we offer our Faversham customers a range of uPVC Window options to suit their property. We appreciate that each home is different, be it the style (e.g. modern or traditional) and the tastes of the homeowner. That’s why we offer something for all our customers, no matter what their style or taste is.

Using the latest uPVC technology, we offer our customers a product that provides multiple benefits, such as thermal efficiency and security, which will improve their homes. Here is our range of uPVC windows for your home:

uPVC Casement Windows

We manufacture our uPVC Casement Windows with the Deceuninck 2800 series profile, which can be integrated easily into any property, giving you a seamless and beautiful finish. As well as being a flawless design, the Deceuninck profile will provide your Faversham home with exceptional security and energy efficiency. With a range of finishes, 250 colour options and opening features to choose from, you have the final say on what is right for your home.

If you choose the Super Fortress profile, you’ll receive a window with low sightlines, grey weather seals and a multi-chambered construction, giving your home far superior energy efficiency than normal double glazing. These windows offer the Faversham homeowner unbelievable heat and noise insulation without compromising the window’s style.

The Fortress profile is ideal for traditional properties, offering a classic look designed to replicate the old-style wooden frames. This window profile combines fresh, neat lines with a stunning and smooth sloping finish. Whether your home is an older property, or you would like to add some character to a new build, these windows will add an element of class to your Faversham home.


uPVC Windows Faversham

uPVC Tilt & Turn Windows

Our pioneering uPVC Tilt & Turn Windows combine charm and practicality to give you an excellent look with the benefits of modern technology and design. Through their clever design, a set of these windows will maximise the light entering your Faversham home and give you better views of outside. Designed to take full advantage of the glazing, these windows give you large than normal access to aid with cleaning the windows and expanding the viewing area. We offer this product in two profile options, Deceuninck 2800 sculpted range and the Deceuninck 2500 chamfered range, giving you more choice to find the perfect window for you.

Our  tilt and  turn windows come with A rated glass as standard, double weather-seals and thermal reinforcing for better weather resistance. The multi-chambered profile in the frames will provide your Faversham home with outstanding energy efficiency, keeping the cold air outside and the warm air inside. In the long-term, you may even save money on your energy bills thanks to the thermal efficiency of these windows.

uPVC Windows Faversham

uPVC Sliding Sash Windows

Our range of uPVC Sliding Sash Windows are sure to add some character and charm to your Faversham property. We use the Rehau profile to make these windows, with the profile created by using the very best hardware, security and finishes. This window profile looks so similar to timber that it is impossible to differentiate between it and timber replacements. The innovative design of these windows allows them to slide either vertically downwards or upwards, giving superior performance over traditionally manufactured wooden windows. The tilting mechanism enables easy access as well as effective ventilation and simple cleaning.

The cutting-edge uPVC technology used in this frame eliminates all the traditional issues associated with wooden sash windows. By getting a sliding sash window installed in your home, you won’t have to worry about rotting, warping or twisting. With a variety of design features, colours, finishes and woodgrain foils available, you can truly fit this modern classic to fit the style of your home.

uPVC Windows Faversham

uPVC Flush Sash Windows

At Omega, we craft our flush sash windows from the finest materials. We create these windows to blend perfectly with the traditional style of heritage home with the efficiency of modern architecture. The slim frames and sleek wood finishing mean that this product can fit in with any type of property. Our windows are crafted from the Deceuninck profile, with the renowned framework known for blending thermal benefits with security features. This profile has been designed to replicate the authentic feel of traditional timber.

We also use the StyleLine range to offer slimmer sight-lines and welded sash, which can be customised with a sculptured or chamfered profile depending on your requirements. This product will always protect you, with the latest locking mechanisms, powerful hinges and impact-resistant glass keeping your Faversham household safe.

uPVC Windows Faversham

uPVC Window Prices Faversham


If you’ve been inspired to update your home with the latest in uPVC window technology, then reach out to our team today on 01843 299 662. You can give us your details by filling out our online contact form and one of our team will get back to you. If you’d rather speak to one of our specialists in person, you can book an appointment or visit our showroom at 121 Canterbury Road, Westbrook, Margate, Kent.

For those who already know what uPVC window they want, then why not fill out our online quotation engine. This will give you a bespoke estimate of how much our services will cost with no obligation to book.

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